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Authors contributing to akutek.info. Click on titles for link to documents. Author contact: Click on @

Niels W Adelman-Larsen          @
On a new, variable absorption product and acceptable tolerances of T30 in halls for amplified music

Johan Andersson                       @
Stage Acoustics for a symphony orchestra—an investigation

Anders Askenfelt                      
The Lindeman Hall of Oslo ― Evidence of low frequency radiation from the stage floor  (2010 paper)
On the interaction between double basses and the stage floor  (2008 poster)
An in-depth analysis of the double bass to stage floor contact  (2008 paper)
Double Basses on the Stage Floor  (2007 paper)

Payam Ashtiani                          @
A new software tool to facilitate NURB based geometries in acoustic design

Hassan Azad                             @
Ali Qapu—Historical Persian music room

Mike Barron                               @
Taking account of loudness constancy for the loudness criterion for concert halls
Non-linear decays in simple spaces and their possible exploitation (presentation)
Objective assessment of concert hall acoustics using Temporal Energy Analysis (2013)
The effect of scattering surfaces in rectangular concert halls: A scale model analysis
Objective assessment of concert hall acoustics (2008) (paper) (presentation)
When is a concert hall too quiet? (paper) (presentation)
Stage Acoustics - Early Investigations
Stage conditions for orchestral performance (paper) (presentation)

Alf Berntson                               @
Stage Acoustics for a symphony orchestra—an investigation

Anders Buen                             
On Timbre Parameters and Sound Levels of Recorded Old Violins
What is old Italian timbre?
The Lindeman Hall of Oslo ― Evidence of low frequency radiation from the stage floor  (2010 paper)
Double Basses on the Stage Floor  (2007 paper)
On the interaction between double basses and the stage floor  (2008 poster)
An in-depth analysis of the double bass to stage floor contact  (2008 paper)
Early Design Criteria for Multipurpose Cultural Houses (paper) (presentation)
Simplified room acoustic measurements
Room acoustics in two variable acoustics coupled space venues
How dry do the recordings for auralization need to be?
Operating deflection modes in violins
Can we hear the geometrical measures of a violin?
Violin Acoustics History
Differences of sound spectra in violins
Long-time-average-spectra of violins
Reflector above the opera orchestra pit

Paul Calamia                             @

Edge Diffraction in Computer Modeling
Culling insignificant diffraction components

Claus Lynge Christensen          @
Diffusion in concert halls analysed as a function of time during the decay process
An improved low frequency radiation model for finite sound reflectors

Morten Dalåmo                          @
Frequency Response of Reflector Arrays

Stephen Dance                          @
Sound exposure and the hearing of musicians

Jens Jørgen Dammerud          
On a new, variable absorption product and acceptable tolerances of T30 in halls for amplified music
Stage Acoustics for Symphony Orchestras in Concert Halls (PhD thesis)
Stage Acoustics—Litterature Review
Model Investigations
Stage Acoustics—Early Investigations
Stage conditions for orchestral performance (paper) (presentation)

Anders Gade                            
Acoustics for Symphony Orchestras; status after three decades of experimental research
Subjective and objective measures of relevance for the description of acoustics conditions on orchestra stages

David Grant                               @
A new software tool to facilitate NURB based geometries in acoustic design

Evan Green                               @
The effect of scattering surfaces in rectangular concert halls: A scale model analysis

David Griesinger                       
Audibility of direct sound as a key to understand clarity of music and speech (paper) (presentation)
How loud is my reverberation? 
Phase Coherence as a Measure of Acoustic Quality:
1 The Neural Mechanism;
2 Perceiving Engagement;
3 Hall Design
The Relationship Between Audience Engagement and Our Ability to Perceive the Pitch, Timbre, Azimuth and Envelopment of Multiple Sources  by D Griesinger

Knut Guettler                            
The Lindeman Hall of Oslo ― Evidence of low frequency radiation from the stage floor  (2010 paper)
On the interaction between double basses and the stage floor  (2008 poster)
An in-depth analysis of the double bass to stage floor contact  (2008 paper)
Double Basses on the Stage Floor  (2007 paper)

Tor Halmrast                             
Acoustical aspects not covered by the common, standardised room acoustic parameters 
Musicians’ perceived timbre and strength in (too) small rooms
Simplified room acoustic measurements
The acoustics of a quarry—who needs an acoustician?
Sound Coloration
Coloration from reflections—Further investigations
Another Phantom of the Opera
Reflector above the opera orchestra pit

Jerald Hyde                              
Sound Strength in Small Halls
Behaviour of lateral energy in small concert halls

Gunnar Ihlen                              @
Clarity and Source Blend
Reflector above the opera orchestra pit

Michael Jenkin                           @
Acoustical Modelling with Sonel Mapping (paper) (presentation)

N.G. Kanev                                @

Acoustics of the Great Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory after Reconstruction in 2010–2011

Bill Kapralos                               @
Acoustical Modelling with Sonel Mapping (paper) (presentation)

Simen Helbæk Kjølberg           

Sound Levels at a Clarinetist’s Ears During Solitary Practice

John O’Keefe                             @

An Acoustician’s Journey into Hearing Aids
A new software tool to facilitate NURB based geometries in acoustic design
Learning Modern Acoustical Design from Traditional Choir Venues
A new method to predict and measure the noise control performance of a performing arts centre displacement system
Queen Elizabeth Theatre: Acoustic design responding to financial realities
Reflection Density and Attenuation on Stages and Rehearsal Halls
Acoustical problems in large post-war auditoria
The Queen Elisabeth Theatre - Spatial Sound in a Wide Room
The_Esplanade - From Plenum to Flytower

Krzysztof Leo                            
Speech Intelligibility Measurements in Auditorium

A.Ya. Livshits
Acoustics of the Great Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory after Reconstruction in 2010–2011

Anders Løvstad                         @
Evaluation of Objective Echo Criteria

Evangelos Milios                        @
Acoustical Modelling with Sonel Mapping (paper) (presentation)

Henrik Möller                             @

Acoustical conditions of Finnish Concert Spaces , H. Möller et. Al. (2002) , published  28.04.2023

Acoustics of the Great Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory after Reconstruction in 2010–2011
Korundi – The new home for the Lappland chamber orchestra
The Logomo Hall
Acoustic description of the Great hall of the Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory
Sound Strength in Small Halls
Behaviour of lateral energy in small concert halls

Behzad Ranjbari @
Investigation of new metrics for the characterization of musicians' room acoustical conditions in concert halls (paper) Thesis (3MB)

Jonathan Rathsam                    @
The scattering from reflector panels with convex edges
An improved low frequency radiation model for finite sound reflectors

Janne Riionheimo                      @
The Logomo Hall

Jens Holger Rindel                    @
Rooms for music – Acoustical needs and requirements
Diffusion in concert halls analysed as a function of time during the decay process
An improved low frequency radiation model for finite sound reflectors

Helena Rydland                        

Sound component levels in symphony orchestra musician

Sergey I Rozanov
Acoustic description of the Great hall of the Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory

Magne Skålevik                        
@              Author of all content on akutek.info if not otherwise noted

Sound Levels in Symphony Orchestra Musicians by M Skalevik, 27.05.2034 (Presentation at BNAM 2024)
Two Ears , 31.10.2023
Sound exposure during solitary practice , 01.08.2023
Orchestra_Conductor_Acoustics , 11.04.2022 (Presentation at BNAM 2022)
The Binaural Signal From a Symphony Orchestra (paper) Forum Acusticum 2020
Absorption Area Matters in Symphony Orchestra Rehearsal Rooms (paper)
Absorption Area Matters in Symphony Orchestra Rehearsal Rooms  (presentation)
Level components in symphony orchestra by M Skalevik, ASA-2019;
Restrictions on V-T combinations related to ensemble size 20.03.2019
Geffen Hall - a 3D model study of incremental modifications to improve acoustics 23.12.2018
Simulations and subjective rating of acoustic conditions in a symphony orchestra - a case study (paper) IOA Hamburg 05.10.2018  (Presentation)
Observations from the field—Active Acoustic Systems, 08.12.2017
Concert Hall Acoustics, Online Rating And Beranek’s Data Collection, 26.07.2017
Spatial listening aspects and the time-varying inter-aural cross-correlation during music performance in concert halls, 26.07.2017
Time-varying IACC during Tchaikovsky 4th Symphony  (ASA-EAA Boston, Acoustics ’17 presentation) 29.06.2017
Measurements of IACC during music performance in concert halls 01.02.2017
Can spatial listening aspects of a hall be measured during a concert?  ISMRA 11.09.2016
Can Spaciousness be measured directly from a music performance in a concert hall? (paper) Presentation(3MB pptx)(1MB PDF); , 28.10.2015
Level balance between Self, Others and Reverb, and its significance to noise exposure as well as mutual hearing in orchestra musicians (paper) (presentation) , 05.06.2015 
Consistency in music room acoustics, Preprint of FA2014 paper, 25.07.2014  (presentation at Forum Acusticum 08.09.2014)
How much scattering is sufficient to soften the Hard Case in small room acoustics? (paper) (presentation), 25.07.2014
Rehearsal room acoustics for the orchestra musician (full paper) Preprint of BNAM 2014 paper  (presentation) 03.06.2014
Concert hall preference prediction—uncertainties from using a selection of data (paper) Presentation (ISRA 2013) 09.06.2013
Can concert hall preference be predicted with physical quantities?  AIA-DAGA 20.03.2013
Room Acoustical Parameters in predictions of concert hall preference  - about uncertainties, explanation and understanding 20.03.2013
Concert Hall Parameters 2012—Status Report Preprint of BNAM 2012 paper  23.04.2012 presentation 17.06.2012
Music Room Acoustics - Critical parameters Preprint of BNAM 2012 paper  23.04.2012  presentation 17.06.2012
Orchestra Canopies ASA 2011 presentation  02.11.2011
Small Room Acoustics - The Hard Case (Forum Acusticum 2011 paper) 19.04.2011 FA Presentation 
Schroeder Frequency Revisited (Forum Acusticum 2011 paper) 17.04.2011
Schroeder Frequency Revisited  FA 2011 presentation  29.06.2011
Concert Hall Parameters and concert hall preference IOA Dublin 2011 poster 02.08.2011
Concert Hall Parameters - We still haven’t found what we’re looking for IOA Dublin 2011 paper 19.04.2011
Small Room Acoustics - The Hard Case  (Forum Acusticum 2011) (presentation) 19.04.2011
Schroeder Frequency Revisited  (Forum Acusticum 2011 paper) 17.04.2011
Concert Hall Parameters Relevance Test  (ICA 2010 presentation)
Room acoustical parameters at listeners’ ears—can concert hall preference be explained? (ICA 2010 paper)
Reverberation Time—the mother of all room acoustical parameters BNAM 2010 paper (presentation)
Frequency limits of reflector arrays—status report (paper 2008) (poster 2008)
Room acoustic parameters - distribution over concert hall seating area (Paper) (Presentation)
Diffusivity and its effect on concert hall seat absorption
Low Frequency Limit of Reflector Arrays  (Paper 2006)  (Poster 2006)
Low Frequency Limits of Reflector Arrays (Paper 2007)  (Presentation 2007)
Diffusivity and Directivity (Paper 2006)  (Presentation 2006)
Orchestra Canopies—Significant Features (Paper 2006)  (Presentation 2006)
Sound Radiation from the Chest of Bass Singers (paper)
Sound Transmission Through the Orchestra (paper) (presentation)
Tonal response in rooms (presentation)

Uwe Stephenson                       @
Influence of ceiling profile on distribution of room acoustical parameters (paper) (presentation)
An Improved Energetic Approach to Diffraction Based on the Uncertainty Principle (paper)

Lars Strand                               
Room acoustics in two variable acoustics coupled space venues

Peter Svensson                        
Edge Diffraction in Computer Modeling
Culling insignificant diffraction components

Dmitri Tishko
Acoustic description of the Great hall of the Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory 

D Thompson                              @
The effect of scattering surfaces in rectangular concert halls: A scale model analysis

E Thompson                              @
On a new, variable absorption product and acceptable tolerances of T30 in halls for amplified music

Sara Vehviläinen
Acoustic description of the Great hall of the Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory

Jakob Vennerød                        @

The Hard Case - Improving Room Acoustics in Cuboid Rooms by using Diffusors - Scale model measurements

Michael Vorländer                      @
Prediction tools in acoustics—can we trust the PC?
Uncertainties of room acoustical measurements

Lily Wang                                  @
The scattering from reflector panels with convex edges
An improved low frequency radiation model for finite sound reflectors

Remy Wenmaekers                   @
On Measurements of Stage Acoustic Parameters: Time Interval Limits and various Source–Receiver Distances
The influence of Room Acoustic Aspects on the Noise Exposure of Symphonic Orchestra Musicians
A Model for the prediction of Sound Levels within a Symphonic Orchestra based on measured Sound Strength
Noise exposure of musicians: The own instrument’s sound compared to the sound from others (paper) Presentation
Spatial decay rate of speech in open plan offices: the use of D2,S and Lp,A,S,4m as building requirements

Ariadne Westerkamp                @
Die Geige gestrichen und verglichen  (19MB) English introduction and summary: Sound of Science—108 violins talk

Ingo Witew                                 @
Uncertainties of room acoustical measurements

Thomas Wulfrank                      @
Acoustic description of the Great hall of the Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory

Latest change 27.05.2024

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